
DeNexus Enables Tenable Customers to Quantify Cyber Risk and Optimize Cybersecurity Budgets

The strategic Integration between DeNexus and Tenable translates technical cybersecurity data into financial metrics for cyber risk decision making.

Here, at DeNexus, we are excited to announce that we have partnered with Tenable® to integrate the DeNexus' DeRISK™ platform and Tenable Security Center. This integration will allow companies with OT environments in energy, manufacturing, hyper scale data center operation, transportation and other industrial sectors to translate technical cybersecurity data into financial metrics, enabling more informed cyber risk management and cybersecurity budget decisions.

Through seamless API integration, DeNexus' DeRISK platform integrates with Tenable Security Center to pull security data from OT environments. Telemetry data includes vulnerabilities, network topologies and some of the security controls in place. By combining Tenable's continuous telemetry with its own cyber risk insights, DeNexus delivers business indicators that quantify the potential financial impact of cyber incidents and the value of risk mitigation initiatives. These results enable analysis at the site or enterprise portfolio level, cyber risk benchmarking against industry peers, and evaluation against standards like NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF).

“Integrating security data from Tenable into our cyber risk quantification and management platform DeRISK enables us to deliver even more refined financial loss metrics such as value at risk, expected loss, and loss probability,” said Jose Seara, Founder and CEO of DeNexus. “This will give industrial companies and physical critical infrastructure owners the information they need when deciding where to allocate scarce cybersecurity resources and how to proactively mitigate risk or transfer to cyber insurance.”

The integration of DeNexus and Tenable offers several advantages, including the ability to assess cyber risk by leveraging current security data, estimating potential financial losses from cyber events, and translating technical metrics into financial risk indicators. Additionally, the integration allows for the automatic updating of risk data through API integration, enabling the comparison and prioritization of mitigation options based on return on investment (ROI) and demonstrating ongoing cyber risk reduction to leadership.

This quantification and analysis of cyber risk empowers CISOs to work with their CFOs to strategically allocate budgets, effectively minimizing risk and maximizing the returns on cybersecurity investments.

Contact us for more information about DeNexus and OT cyber risk quantification.