
Comparing DeRISK Premium to Our Complementary Offer

In early December, DeNexus introduced a complementary version of its DeRISK platform with a simplified set of features. The goal is to make cyber risk quantification and management accessible to the largest numbers of companies worldwide. The offer is targeted at assets and facility owners at energy producing companies who need to start identifying their cyber risk and exposures, and present compelling cost justifications for cyber security improvements to their finance counterparts and their company’s CFO.

To bring further clarification, we wanted to share a direct comparison between the two versions:

DATA INPUT Freemium Premium
Outside-in data for cyber risk modeling  
(attack surface, threat intel, cyber events, losses)
Inside-out data for cyber risk modeling  
(telemetry: OT, IT, endpoints, integration with 3rd parties) 
Mapping to NIST CSF
Mapping to DNX CSF
Mapping to ISO 27001  
Attack path mapping 
(most likely attack tactics and procedures) 
Modeling of primary and secondary loss
Modeling based on millions of Monte Carlo simulation runs
Probability and quantification of loss - Single Facility
Probability and quantification of loss - Zones  
Probability and quantification of loss - Portfolios  
Main drivers of Risk Top  3  ✅ All
Main Losses Top  3  ✅ All
Cyber Risk Mitigation - Project Simulator 1 time ✅ Unlimited
Industry peer comparison ✅ 1 time ✅ Unlimited
Risk quantification in financial terms - Single Facility ✅ 1 time ✅ Unlimited
Risk quantification in financial terms - Zones  
Risk quantification in financial terms - Portfolio  
Prioritization of cybersecurity controls  
Suggested mitigation strategies  
NERC-CIP Compliance reports  
Power Generation
Transmission & Distribution  
Transportation / Airports   coming soon
Data Centers   coming soon
Gas Generation   coming soon

DeNexus freemium delivers a compelling complimentary entry point for many organizations to comprehend their cyber risk posture and evaluate the impact of mitigation strategies at no cost.

You can start today by visiting

If you want to explore DeNexus’ solutions further, we invite you to join our weekly demos on LinkedIn starting in January 2024. Every week we will cover a different topic starting on January 4th with “Demo: The basics of cyber risk quantification.”